Latest Release
Released September 17th, 2023
Version 8.3
Stay updated on the latest version of StagePlot Guru to get optimized functionality.
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What's New
We're excited to announce our new store, One-Of-A-Kind Design, featuring original ArtWear designs that can only be found here. New designs are being updated often, so be sure to check back. All proceeds go toward development and improvement of StagePlot Guru.

StagePlot Guru
Sept. 23, 2022
SPG 2 Progress
Progress is coming along great for the brand new SPG 2!
For those who don't know, we're excited to announce a brand new version of StagePlot Guru called, StagePlot Guru 2. We have been diligently working on trying get this released.
We were initially shooting for an October 1st beta release. This, however, is unlikely as we are still refining some of the details. It will likely be pushed to mid-October. We can't wait to share SPG 2 with our users. You're going to love it.
People have been asking if we are going to keep SPG 1 in the app store when SPG 2 is released.
And the answer is YES.
Couple things. SPG 1 (The original StagePlot Guru) will soon be changed to SPG Legacy Edition.
It will remain for as long as we can keep up with the code base. What does this mean?
Well, StagePlot Guru was designed and initially programmed in 2013!! To give you a perspective, the app store at that time was just 4 years old. As a result, the codebase is quite extensive and takes a lot of time for our amazing programmers to maintain. But we've managed, and will continue to provide support for SPG Legacy for as long as it makes sense for both our users and us.
Another question we've been seeing a lot is, "What are the differences between SPG Legacy and SPG 2".
We will soon lay this out in extensive detail, but there are a couple of major differences we can reveal right now.
SPG 2 has an extensive range of tools and features to produce a more in-depth stage plot, along with other features (we can't yet mention).
Also, while it will still have much of the look of SPG Legacy, there will be some very noticeable differences.
We are also able to offer SPG 2 on Mac desktop (yay), so it will be supported on all mac devices!!!
SPG 2 will be a minimal tier subscription based app with continuous feature updates and more. Because of it's magnitude and cost the only way for us to survive as a business and deliver a quality product, is to provide a subscription based service. We have found a price-point that will work for everyone, and will offer many free options to the app as well.
More news to come----stay tuned.
As always, thanks to our users for sticking by us, and helping us build an awesome community.
SPG Creator
To stay in the loop with SPG 2 progress and SPG News feel free to add yourself to our mailing list (we promise we don't spam), and you will get be included on our mailing list. Our mailing list users will be considered for special offers as well, and we will be giving away some free lifetime subscriptions to SPG 2.